Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I checked my Woopra stats the other day and noticed that there are still a few people checking in here from time to time. And I do appreciate that. But I should have made it more clear in my last post that I really don't have anything left to say. This blog was started for so many reasons, but at its heart it became a celebration of my relationship with Max ─ a way to collect and preserve memories of the time I spent with my little boy.

Now that he's gone, it feels wrong to write anything here. Not that I have anything to write about. The few smiles that cross my lips now are for the benefit of others. When I laugh, I worry that everyone can hear the utter lack of joy behind it.

If I do decide to start blogging again, I'll pass the word through the underground grapevine to let y'all know.

Thanks for reading, though. I wish you could have all known Max Bear in person.

He was truly something special.